Thursday, December 4, 2008

2131 East Second St Duluth

Ink on paper.


queasyfish said...


If you click on one of these to make it bigger, (then hit the back button to get back to the blog) you can really see the glint off of the framing glass.

We really should probably remove the frames if possible.


queasyfish said...

These also have a yellowish tint from my poor lighting. I'll try to re-do them this weekend.

queasyfish said...

OK, these are new pictures. I took them out of the glass and used more lights.

The lights look very yellow. I'll look for some "natural light" bulbs - that should help.

Anonymous said...

I like your house.

Anonymous said...

Why are those comments from September 18 left on this comment forum? They are completely inappropriate and very mean spirited.

Erik Quackenbush said...

Comments are just that - they don't affect me or what I'll do next in my life- "the good' the bad and the ugly" - they do not have influence of my memories of life in this old house - why let their off the wall comments affect you? untrue, blasphemous yet only effective if YOU choose to let it affect you. Brush it off, leave it lie, and forget about it, it's someones mind at work- it has nothing to do with me or my artwork- only "commented" on my blog. enough said?

Erik Quackenbush said...

I choose to leave it and just like m work, some appreciated some not by all, it's all significant to me, this is nowhere near all of the things I've done in my life, most of which cannot be recorded, like the time I climbed into a wolf den to retrieve my sweatshirt and was consequently chased out by 10 wolves.It's like that, memories, happenings - why do you allow such "bullshit" to affect your mind- I believe if you have such a strong opinion of what's said of me, you also have the ability to "cleanse" your self of lower sick demented fantasies.

Catherine M Punjani said...

Dear Eric,

Ignore the IGNORAMOUSES that left nasty comments on your page.
It could I'm sorry but It's already been compared to the work of a painter named FRANZ MARC.

Keep up the good work! Catherine
Punjani minneapolis, minnesota

Anonymous said...

Do you know the history of the home at 2131 East Third Street?