Sunday, March 30, 2014

 it's running away from .....
 life's raft w/ mug, pointere directional hat, fishing rod.. and pontoons..
 swing dancing-       with bee buzzing around head.

 Callie Kit Lindlief- Quackenbush
 self portrait
 self portrait
 person looking out over Lake Superior    w/gull's head coming out from behind.
 I see a monkey and a middle aged man in bright sunlight , as he walks elsewhere.

 Dancinn with lights of coluored back grounds  --- I see two or 5...
 It's a paining -- one of three of which belong to a friend(Accend) done of one, which was 12 years old and I refused to sell it to him.
 Donated to Essentia - Miller-Dwan auction.Returned to me.
Mary Anne Quackenbush has acquired this one for to hang in her dining room.

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